

We keep delivering warmers.

Another batch of foot and hand warmers delivered to various frontline units. This is the most in demand thing right now. Our organization along with few other organizations have delivered over 10,000 pairs of warmers. And it’s still not enough. We keep accepting donations to deliver even more warmers.

More foot and hand warmers delivered.

Although it’s a New Year, nothing got really changed. We are focus only on helping our frontline soldiers. Another report from guys who’re unfortunately not with their families this holiday season. Join us to speed up our victory.

Anti-drone gun is delivered!

We delivered an anti-drone gun, thanks to our dearest friend Alex Lind and his american colleges who always support us. Every unit at frontline is in desperate need of this gun and it’s pretty expensive to buy. Thanks again our friend. Please donate so that we can deliver more of these stuff.

Anti-drone gun

A batch of foot and hand warmers is delivered.

Thank you to everyone who donated for foot and hand warmers. We have delivered it all to various frontline units. Some haven’t provided us with photos but we understand that they are busy with other stuff these days. We have also delivered a winter uniform and ordered more warmers. Please donate if you want to keep our soldiers warm this winter.

Let’s keep our soldiers warm this Christmas.

We started getting requests from our friends to deliver some delicious food to frontline soldiers so that they could celebrate Christmas at least in some special way. We don’t know about others, but all soldiers we communicate with, don’t complain about food at all. If you really want to help our soldiers for Christmas, donate them some warmth instead. We are talking about foot and hand warmers. One cup of coffee equals to 8 hours of warm feet for Ukrainian frontline soldier. We are accepting donations now solely for the hand and foot warmers. And remember, there is no such a thing as a small donation. Every dollar counts.

Donations from school students were delivered to our friend fighting at frontline

Today I met with Tetyana Sporinina, a teacher from Chernivtsi Gymnasium #11 (a former public school #35). She handled me an envelope with 7720 hryvnias (it’s about $208.84) collected from school students to support our former student Oleksandr who is fighting at frontline. I want to thank all students, parents and teachers for organizing this fund raising. For us with Oleksandr this school will always be remembered as Chernivtsi public school #35.

Also a big thank you for everyone who helped to cover soldiers own cost to purchase pickup truck for 82nd Air Assault Brigade (it was covered in our previous post). We transferred the money to soliders’ bank accounts. The amount of donations exceeded the required sum, so the rest of the money we spent on purchasing a spectrum analyzer which is needed to monitor the sky against enemy drones. For now we covered all the needs for this unit, but we continue collecting donations. The winter is coming and we would need much more funding.

We’ve got a truck full of humanitarian help from Italy

A big truck full of humanitarian help just arrived from Italy. We are going to distribute it to all in need, both to Ukrainian army soldiers and civilians. A big thank you to “Dopomojimo jiti” – a humanitarian help association of Ukraine which is lead by Anjela Kotik. From Italy side, our friend Anatoliy Balanyuk collected help from Italian volunteers and humanitarian help association from Trento, Italia, which is lead by Dario Battisti. Anatoliy also helped to arrange transportation to Chernivtsi, Ukraine. Also we’re very thankful to local volunteers from Chernivtsi, for helping to unload truck and help with storing all these items. Everything was well coordinated and taken care of. Please join us helping Ukrainian army soldiers and civilians by donating here.

DELIVERED: pickup truck for 82nd Air Assault Brigade of Ukraine

Our guys from 82nd Air Assault Brigade, finally got a pickup truck they desperately needed to evacuate wounded soldiers and those who lost their lives during combat. Thank you everyone who made the donations from various parts of world, even from Australia! But there is one caveat. Part of the sum for pickup truck was covered by soldiers themselves so it would be nice to cover those costs and return so hardly earned money to this guys. Please donate as much as you can, every dollar counts.

pickup truck for 82nd Air Assault Brigade of Ukraine